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Home Press releasesProperty marketHouse prices climb for the third consecutive quarter in 2024

House prices climb for the third consecutive quarter in 2024

House prices climb for the third consecutive quarter in 2024To view the full Market Index Q3 2024 click here.

The latest Property Market Index Review by London lettings and estate agent, Benham and Reeves, has revealed that house prices climbed by 0.9% in Q3 of this year, marketing a third consecutive quarter of growth across the UK property market.

The Benham and Reeves Property Market Index Review is a quarterly accumulation of house price data from the top four existing indices, providing the most comprehensive view of UK and London house price performance. It looks at where the average house price sits overall when taking into account mortgage approved house prices from Halifax and Nationwide, seller expectations via the Rightmove House Price Index, and sold prices from the UK House Price Index.

It also highlights how the market is evolving based on the gap between mortgage approved prices and asking prices, as well as asking prices and sold prices.

Current property values

Based on a geometric mean of all four existing data sets, the index from Benham and Reeves shows the average UK house price sat at £311,154 during Q3 2024.

This marked a 0.9% quarterly increase, the third consecutive quarter of positive growth seen so far this year. On an annual basis, the average UK house price also sat 2.2% higher when compared to Q3 2023.

In London, the current average house price in Q3 2023 was £574,254 during the third quarter of this year.

Whilst this remained flat versus Q2, it did mark a 1.1% increase on an annual basis.

Market Gap Between Mortgage Approval Price (Buyers) & Asking Price (Sellers)

In Q3 2024, the market gap between the average mortgage approved price of a buyer )£278,890) and the asking price expectation of a seller (£370,672) sat at 32.9%.

This market gap had narrowed from 35.5% the previous quarter, suggesting that sellers have been more willing to lower their asking price expectations in order to secure a buyer.

In London, the gap between buyer (£524,685) and seller (£684,210) was 30.4% which also marks a quarterly narrowing, again suggesting that London sellers are more willing to meet in the middle in order to secure a buyer.

Market Gap Between Asking Price (Sellers) & Sold Price (Buyers)

The latest index by Benham and Reeves shows that the gap between the average UK asking price and the average sold price has continued to close.

Across the UK, the average sold price in Q3, 2024 stood at £291,411, -21.4% below the average asking price of £370,672. This market gap had closed from 24.1% the previous quarter and remains slimmer when compared to the 23.5% seen during Q1.

In London, the gap between asking price and sold price sits at -22.9%, having also closed from -25.7% in Q2 and, again, remaining slimmer than the -25% seen during Q1. In fact, it’s the smallest gap between asking and sold price seen since Q1 2023.

Director of Benham and Reeves, Marc von Grundherr, commented

“2024 has been a far more positive year for the property market and this is becoming abundantly clear when analysing house price trends across each segment of the market.

We’ve seen consistently positive growth with respect to overall house prices across all three quarters of this year so far and this is despite the fact that buyers are still having to contend with significantly higher interest rates than they’ve become accustomed to in recent years.

What is clear is that sellers are taking a more pragmatic approach to selling, with the gap between the mortgage approved price of buyers and the asking price expectation of sellers narrowing. As a result, we haven’t seen the previous stalemate across the market whereby sellers refuse to budge on price, whilst buyers simply can’t afford to match them.

The result of both parties meeting in the middle has been an uptick in sales, a higher proportion of asking price achieved and a more measured, healthy rate of house price growth seen across the market.”

UK Topline House Price Growth by Quarter & Annualls
Year Quarter Land Registry Nationwide/Hal Rightmove Benhams and Reeves
Aggregated Average House Price
Q Change Annual Change
2018 Q1 £224,319 £218,231 £300,684 £245,074
Q2 £226,869 £219,116 £307,745 £248,245 1.3%
Q3 £231,438 £221,959 £305,060 £250,244 0.8%
Q4 £230,274 £220,522 £302,239 £248,513 -0.7%
2019 Q1 £227,608 £221,578 £300,481 £247,463 -0.4% 1.0%
Q2 £229,276 £225,987 £307,691 £251,682 1.7% 1.4%
Q3 £234,074 £224,490 £306,316 £252,487 0.3% 0.9%
Q4 £234,167 £225,188 £303,169 £251,914 -0.2% 1.4%
2020 Q1 £231,743 £228,344 £309,602 £253,980 0.8% 2.6%
Q2 £232,169 £228,511 £311,950 £254,839 0.3% 1.3%
Q3 £239,067 £234,497 £319,919 £261,758 2.7% 3.7%
Q4 £245,868 £240,495 £321,830 £266,980 2.0% 6.0%
2021 Q1 £249,655 £241,628 £318,896 £267,945 0.4% 5.5%
Q2 £254,041 £251,031 £332,460 £276,773 3.3% 8.6%
Q3 £258,711 £255,474 £338,093 £281,665 1.8% 7.6%
Q4 £263,546 £262,639 £342,333 £287,224 2.0% 7.6%
2022 Q1 £269,790 £269,818 £348,085 £293,716 2.3% 9.6%
Q2 £276,926 £279,592 £365,386 £304,705 3.7% 10.1%
Q3 £287,223 £282,809 £367,628 £310,247 1.8% 10.1%
Q4 £287,378 £275,397 £365,731 £307,038 -1.0% 6.9%
2023 Q1 £280,653 £271,099 £363,413 £302,389 -1.5% 3.0%
Q2 £279,383 £273,431 £370,638 £304,789 0.8% 0.0%
Q3 £284,094 £270,013 £367,682 £304,397 -0.1% -1.9%
Q4 £280,229 £271,172 £361,811 £301,819 -0.8% -1.7%
2024 Q1 £278,072 £274,565 £363,552 £302,777 0.3% 0.1%
Q2 £284,083 £276,238 £374,186 £308,512 1.9% 1.2%
Q3 £291,411 £278,890 £370,672 £311,154 0.9% 2.2%

London Topline House Price Growth by Quarter & Annualls
Year Quarter Land Registry Nationwide/Hal Rightmove Benhams and Reeves
Aggregated Average House Price
Q Change Annual Change
2018 Q1 £476,653 £473,776 £619,905 £519,238
Q2 £478,555 £468,845 £628,174 £520,412 0.2%
Q3 £480,090 £468,544 £614,537 £517,059 -0.6%
Q4 £476,273 £466,988 £614,044 £514,976 -0.4%
2019 Q1 £466,356 £455,594 £605,178 £504,731 -2.0% -2.8%
Q2 £466,683 £465,722 £618,232 £512,193 1.5% -1.6%
Q3 £478,594 £460,686 £612,967 £513,180 0.2% -0.8%
Q4 £478,227 £458,363 £609,315 £511,166 -0.4% -0.7%
2020 Q1 £477,665 £460,266 £626,687 £516,489 1.0% 2.3%
Q2 £476,443 £475,448 £627,339 £521,842 1.0% 1.9%
Q3 £488,805 £480,857 £634,773 £530,383 1.6% 3.4%
Q4 £491,637 £486,562 £628,648 £531,778 0.3% 4.0%
2021 Q1 £494,612 £482,576 £616,808 £528,032 -0.7% 2.2%
Q2 £493,250 £509,935 £641,961 £544,540 3.1% 4.3%
Q3 £503,592 £500,980 £639,700 £544,450 0.0% 2.7%
Q4 £509,098 £507,230 £645,214 £550,263 1.1% 3.5%
2022 Q1 £514,432 £518,333 £653,333 £558,501 1.5% 5.8%
Q2 £523,522 £540,399 £682,759 £578,059 3.5% 6.2%
Q3 £540,498 £534,545 £681,232 £581,689 0.6% 6.8%
Q4 £536,111 £528,000 £681,419 £577,787 -0.7% 5.0%
2023 Q1 £526,207 £511,293 £676,707 £566,773 -1.9% 1.5%
Q2 £519,405 £516,923 £686,271 £569,039 0.4% -1.6%
Q3 £524,967 £514,325 £678,176 £567,855 -0.2% -2.4%
Q4 £512,520 £515,132 £675,839 £562,977 -0.9% -2.6%
2024 Q1 £508,683 £519,505 £678,057 £563,769 0.1% -0.5%
Q2 £517,205 £525,248 £696,130 £573,992 1.8% 0.9%
Q3 £527,502 £524,685 £684,210 £574,254 0.0% 1.1%

UK Mortgage Approval vs Asking Price Gap
Year Quarter Mortgage Appr Difference Asking Price
2018 Q1 £218,231 37.80% £300,684
Q2 £219,116 40.40% £307,745
Q3 £221,959 37.40% £305,060
Q4 £220,522 37.10% £302,239
2019 Q1 £221,578 35.60% £300,481
Q2 £225,987 36.20% £307,691
Q3 £224,490 36.50% £306,316
Q4 £225,188 34.60% £303,169
2020 Q1 £228,344 35.60% £309,602
Q2 £228,511 36.50% £311,950
Q3 £234,497 36.40% £319,919
Q4 £240,495 33.80% £321,830
2021 Q1 £241,628 32.00% £318,896
Q2 £251,031 32.40% £332,460
Q3 £255,474 32.30% £338,093
Q4 £262,639 30.30% £342,333
2022 Q1 £269,818 29.00% £348,085
Q2 £279,592 30.70% £365,386
Q3 £282,809 30.00% £367,628
Q4 £275,397 32.80% £365,731
2023 Q1 £271,099 34.10% £363,413
Q2 £273,431 35.60% £370,638
Q3 £270,013 36.20% £367,682
Q4 £271,172 33.40% £361,811
2024 Q1 £274,565 32.40% £363,552
Q2 £276,238 35.50% £374,186
Q3 £278,890 32.90% £370,672

UK Asking Price vs Sold Price Gap
Year Quarter Asking Price Difference Sold Price
2018 Q1 £300,684 -25.40% £224,319
Q2 £307,745 -26.30% £226,869
Q3 £305,060 -24.10% £231,438
Q4 £302,239 -23.80% £230,274
2019 Q1 £300,481 -24.30% £227,608
Q2 £307,691 -25.50% £229,276
Q3 £306,316 -23.60% £234,074
Q4 £303,169 -22.80% £234,167
2020 Q1 £309,602 -25.10% £231,743
Q2 £311,950 -25.60% £232,169
Q3 £319,919 -25.30% £239,067
Q4 £321,830 -23.60% £245,868
2021 Q1 £318,896 -21.70% £249,655
Q2 £332,460 -23.60% £254,041
Q3 £338,093 -23.50% £258,711
Q4 £342,333 -23.00% £263,546
2022 Q1 £348,085 -22.50% £269,790
Q2 £365,386 -24.20% £276,926
Q3 £367,628 -21.90% £287,223
Q4 £365,731 -21.40% £287,378
2023 Q1 £363,413 -22.80% £280,653
Q2 £370,638 -24.60% £279,383
Q3 £367,682 -22.70% £284,094
Q4 £361,811 -22.50% £280,229
2024 Q1 £363,552 -23.50% £278,072
Q2 £374,186 -24.10% £284,083
Q3 £370,672 -21.40% £291,411

London Mortgage Approval vs Asking Price Gap
Year Quarter Mortgage Appr Difference Asking Price
2018 Q1 £473,776 30.80% £619,905
Q2 £468,845 34.00% £628,174
Q3 £468,544 31.20% £614,537
Q4 £466,988 31.50% £614,044
2019 Q1 £455,594 32.80% £605,178
Q2 £465,722 32.70% £618,232
Q3 £460,686 33.10% £612,967
Q4 £458,363 32.90% £609,315
2020 Q1 £460,266 36.20% £626,687
Q2 £475,448 31.90% £627,339
Q3 £480,857 32.00% £634,773
Q4 £486,562 29.20% £628,648
2021 Q1 £482,576 27.80% £616,808
Q2 £509,935 25.90% £641,961
Q3 £500,980 27.70% £639,700
Q4 £507,230 27.20% £645,214
2022 Q1 £518,333 26.00% £653,333
Q2 £540,399 26.30% £682,759
Q3 £534,545 27.40% £681,232
Q4 £528,000 29.10% £681,419
2023 Q1 £511,293 32.40% £676,707
Q2 £516,923 32.80% £686,271
Q3 £514,325 31.90% £678,176
Q4 £515,132 31.20% £675,839
2024 Q1 £519,505 30.50% £678,057
Q2 £525,248 32.50% £696,130
Q3 £524,685 30.40% £684,210

London Asking Price vs Sold Price Gap
Year Quarter Asking Price Difference Sold Price
2018 Q1 £619,905 -23.10% £476,653
Q2 £628,174 -23.80% £478,555
Q3 £614,537 -21.90% £480,090
Q4 £614,044 -22.40% £476,273
2019 Q1 £605,178 -22.90% £466,356
Q2 £618,232 -24.50% £466,683
Q3 £612,967 -21.90% £478,594
Q4 £609,315 -21.50% £478,227
2020 Q1 £626,687 -23.80% £477,665
Q2 £627,339 -24.10% £476,443
Q3 £634,773 -23.00% £488,805
Q4 £628,648 -21.80% £491,637
2021 Q1 £616,808 -19.80% £494,612
Q2 £641,961 -23.20% £493,250
Q3 £639,700 -21.30% £503,592
Q4 £645,214 -21.10% £509,098
2022 Q1 £653,333 -21.30% £514,432
Q2 £682,759 -23.30% £523,522
Q3 £681,232 -20.70% £540,498
Q4 £681,419 -21.30% £536,111
2023 Q1 £676,707 -22.20% £526,207
Q2 £686,271 -24.30% £519,405
Q3 £678,176 -22.60% £524,967
Q4 £675,839 -24.20% £512,520
2024 Q1 £678,057 -25.00% £508,683
Q2 £696,130 -25.70% £517,205
Q3 £684,210 -22.90% £527,502
*The Benham and Reeves Property Market Index Review gauges the health of the UK and London property markets based on data from the top four existing indices. It looks at where the average house price sits overall when taking into account mortgage approved house prices from Halifax and Nationwide, seller expectations via the Rightmove House Price Index, and sold prices from the UK House Price Index.
It also highlights how the gap has changed between buyers and seller expectation, as well as asking price and actual sales price, on a quarterly basis across London and the UK.
Sources: Land Registry, Halifax HPI, Nationwide HPI, Rightmove HPI


About the Author

Established in 1958, Benham and Reeves is one of London’s oldest, independently owned property lettings and sales agents. With specialism in residential sales, corporate lettings and property management in prime areas of London, the company operates from 21 prominently located branches and 14 international offices.
